HELLO there!

( please open this link while you read . )

Glad to see you're here for my seminar...
it's about to begin. Why don't you have a seat?

There are some refreshments over at the table to
your right. If you need the bathroom, it's down the hall
to the left - I would suggest you go soon before it begins,
I'm almost finished setting up.

Say, while you're waiting, why don't you have a look through my
autobiography? It's a bit thick, so I don't mind if you skim it a bit!
She laughs and turns to walk away.
See you in a bit!

You got "Hestia's Autobiography".
Will you read it?

Chapter 1: New beginnings

My life began in a seemingly lucky way - an ordinary child born to an wealthy family. It seemed like my life was going to be great...until a few months into the pregnancy, my parents discovered some strange growths forming in the womb. Nothing too bad, nothing really dangerous...but highly unusual. The doctors expressed a bit of concern, but my parents seemed strangely overjoyed, I had heard from friends of theirs. When I came out, I came out with some unexplainable things that would have shocked most... but my parents didn't appear to be at all. And that was where all my problems began...

I was born with strange mutations... things that did not hinder my health, but gave me a strange appearance. Instead of taking this in with fear or worry, my parents saw it as a fantastic business opportunity. They flaunted me off to the public, they put me into countless classes and training to become a superstar, and spoiled me beyond belief.

What others would see as a blessing I had come to see as a burden. All I ever heard was my family gloat about my accomplishments, accomplishments they'd directly had their paws in creating. I didn't feel like my feelings were my own, and that was a terrifying feeling. I didn't want to be a superstar, I hated being put in the spotlight. I just wanted to be left alone for once.

They were always on top of my every move. When I was just a kid, my parents simply tightened their leash they had on me and forbid me from doing anything that could possibly be seen as controversial or scary. I wasn't allowed to hang out with normal kalons, I was only permitted to play with their friends' children or the kids of celebrities. Anything that could possibly damage my reputation of being 'above' anyone else was a threat. My parents knew this and they made sure I knew this as well. It was such a stifling thing, and I felt really alone in the world. I had no idea what to do or where to go. It's a lot of pressure to put on such a young kid...

chapter 2: the escape

It was time for me to leave this place of darkness.
I had to pursue my real dreams, not sit around and be paraded by my selfish parents. This wasn't who I was. This is what they wanted me to be...and I despised it. I knew deep down, if I ever wanted to make a change in this world I was going to have to break out somehow. At only 13 years old, I ran away from home and never looked back. It was one of the hardest decisions I made in my life. Looking back, I regret not waiting until I was a bit older, but I'm glad I was able to escape either way. I learned a lot after becoming homeless for a short period of time... I participated in lots of protests around town having nothing better to do. It was a lot of fun to be rebellious and free for once in my life. I met many cool individuals during these times. Back then, I was couchsurfing with friends I met through these events. I'm still friends with some of these people to this day, even. We formed many strong bonds back in those days. I kind of miss it a little, but I'm glad it's helped inspire me to be who I am today. If it hadn't been for one specific kalon who was very kind to me, I wouldn't be here writing this book at all.

There was this girl I met at a picketing protest I participated in, and...don't ask me what we were protesting, because she and I had just been having polite conversation over the whole thing. I was a bit smitten by her, but she was a world traveler who lived an extreme lifestyle that I just could not conform to just yet. Hearing about her tales from foreign countries and all the wonderful experiences she's had, it definitely got me thinking about dabbling in a bit of travel myself. After a few conversations with her, she had asked if I'd like to come on a visit to Thailand for a while and see if I liked it. Of course, I agreed at such a wonderful opportunity. What was I going to do around here, anyways? Wasn't like I had anywhere to stay, so this was a pretty good bet.


The first time I travelled to another country, I found myself in a whole new world unlike anything I'd ever seen before. Becoming immersed in a new culture was very eye opening and in a way relatable to my own experience. I had no idea how different other countries could be, yet I was so unfamiliar with my own that it was almost on the same level of understanding. I wanted to know as much about these places as I could gather, and I parted ways with my close friend to go explore in more depth. She gave me a little smile and handed me some books about the language and the culture to help me blend in a little more, and off I was on my journey.

I spent 3 years in Thailand, and I had found myself feeling too guilty as a tourist to just sit around. I wanted to make a real change...and so, I began to dabble a bit into charity work. It felt great to give back to this amazing and beautiful community I had found myself in.

I spent a lot of my time working over there, and found myself getting calls from other people I had met in Thailand that wanted me to come help in their own reservation projects. They flew me over to a nature preserve in South Africa to continue my charity work. There, I spent about a year's internship where I did volunteer work until eventually I was given a job offer.

(...there's no more left in this book to read. Looks like it's not finished just yet ... )

(You look up just as people are filing in to hear her speech. Hestia steps up to the podium and sighs slightly before she begins to speak.)

As you all know... and I assume you've all read what little there is of my book by now ...
(there is light laughter scattered around the room) ...I learned a lot in my time in those countries and met many friends who have helped me all the way. In my travels I picked up many skills and experiences that have kept with me until today. I am planning on going on an expedition to Australia in about a year, they want me to help with some charity work over there as well. For now I'm going to take a break and finish writing my book, and spend a bit of time researching other places where I can spend my time volunteering. I have recieved countless awards for my work, and am so grateful to you all in the community for nominating me for them. Thank you all so much for your support!

(the audience applauds as she settles in for questions.)

(You make yourself comfortable in your seat and sit back. You just can't wait to hear more about this girl and her amazing life...)

"For once in my life, I finally felt peaceful and fulfilled...."

( Made with Carrd )